Best price guaranteed

At PriceTravel we are constantly negotiating the best rates for your trip. We are so committed that we guarantee you the best prices!

If you find a better price on another website, call us immediately at +1 855 437 8999.

We will match the price as long as:

  • 1. You have all the information of the other offer, including a link to the website offer where the exact final price appears
  • 2. The other offer is valid for booking online (public rates) and is available at the time we check it.
  • 3. The check is carried out within a maximum of 24 hours after making your reservation with us
  • 4. The conditions of the other offer are the same. This means that: o It is the same accommodation. o It is the same room. o It is the same date of entry and exit. o Room conditions are the same (including meal plan, cancelation policy, additional packages, etc.) o The price of the other offer is in Mexican pesos (MXN) with taxes included.
  • 5. The cancelation policy of your reservation with us allows cancelations and modifications without penalty at the time of verification

If any of the above conditions are not met, your reservation with us will remain unchanged, including cancellation policies.

The best price guarantee only applies to accommodation. Not applicable for Packages (hotel and flight, hotel and bus), Flights, Transfers, Tours, Buses, Cruises, Circuits.

The best price guarantee does not apply if:

  • 1. You reserve on a website that does not indicate the type of accommodation at the time of booking
  • 2. Reservations using: o Special prices for members. o Discounts for regular customers. o Loyalty programs. o Prices without taxes. o Option of payment in the destination or directly to the accommodation.
  • 3. The other offer is not available to the public to book online at the time of checking it.
  • 4. You contact us more than 24 hours after you have made your reservation with us

Your request will be processed and if it meets the aforementioned conditions, we will refund the corresponding difference in an electronic wallet that you can use immediately for future purchases with us