See all hotels in Les Halles, Paris, France

Bridgestreet Champs Elysees

Bridgestreet Champs Elysees

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{{}} ({{room.rate.totalRooms}} {{vm.getRoom(room.rate.totalRooms)}})

  • Free cancellation until {{room.rate.rate.cancellationPolicies.freeCancellationExpire | date: vm.dateConfig}}
  • No prepayment needed, pay at the property
  • Not refundable
  • {{vm.mealplans[room.rate.rate.mealPlanCode]}}
Price per night
{{ | number: 0}}% {{room.rate.rate.taxes.totalRoomRateBeforePromoPerNight | currency:vm.currency:0}}
{{vm.currency}} {{vm.sourceTriGooHotelsIds ? room.rate.rate.taxes.totalRoomRatePerNight + room.rate.rate.taxes.totalTaxesPerRoomPerNight: room.rate.rate.taxes.totalRoomRatePerNight | number:0}} + {{room.rate.rate.taxes.totalTaxesPerRoomPerNight | currency: vm.currency:0}} taxes Taxes included Taxes not included

{{}} ({{vm.roomsTotal }} {{vm.getRoom(vm.roomsTotal )}})

  • Free cancellation until {{vm.featuredRoom.rate.rate[0].cancellationPolicies.freeCancellationExpire | date: vm.dateConfig}}
  • No prepayment needed, pay at the property
  • Not refundable
  • {{vm.mealplans[vm.featuredRoom.rate.rate[0].mealPlanCode]}}
Price per night
{{vm.featuredRoom.rate.rate[0] | number: 0}}% {{vm.featuredRoom.rate.rate[0].taxes.totalRoomRateBeforePromoPerNight | currency:vm.currency:0}}
{{vm.currency}} {{ vm.sourceTriGooHotelsIds ? vm.featuredRoom.rate.rate[0].taxes.totalRoomRatePerNight + vm.featuredRoom.rate.rate[0].taxes.totalTaxesPerRoomPerNight : vm.featuredRoom.rate.rate[0].taxes.totalRoomRatePerNight | number:0}} + {{vm.featuredRoom.rate.rate[0].taxes.totalTaxesPerRoomPerNight | currency: vm.currency:0}} taxes Taxes included Taxes not included
Your selected option on Trivago
Your selected option on Kayak
Room type
Meal Plan
Price per night

{{ + room.expedia}}


Select the plan:

  • View: {{room.view + room.derbysoft}}
  • Beds: {{room.bedding}}
  • Free cancellation (until {{room.roomRateMobileSelected.cancellationPolicies.freeCancellationExpire | date: vm.dateConfig }})
  • Not refundable
  • Kids free {{room.kidsFreeTo | kidsAgeRange }}
  • {{room.roomRateMobileSelected.promotion}}




  • {{vm.mealplans[room.roomRateMobileSelected.mealPlanCode]}}
  • Ahorra -{{ room.roomRateMobileSelected.total_saved | currency:'$':0 }} al iniciar sesión

    Ahorraste {{ room.roomRateMobileSelected.total_saved | currency:'$':0 }}

Room per night

{{ | number: 0 }}% {{ room.roomRateMobileSelected.taxes.totalRoomRateBeforePromoPerNight | currency:vm.currency:0 }}

{{ vm.sourceTriGooHotelsIds ? room.roomRateMobileSelected.taxes.totalRoomRatePerNight + room.roomRateMobileSelected.taxes.totalTaxesPerRoomPerNight : room.roomRateMobileSelected.taxes.totalRoomRatePerNight | currency:vm.currency:0 }}

+ {{ room.roomRateMobileSelected.taxes.totalTaxesPerRoomPerNight | currency: vm.currency:0 }} taxes

Taxes not included Taxes included
Total {{vm.boxData.nights}} {{vm.boxData.nights === 1 ? vm.lnMessages.nightm : vm.lnMessages.nighstm}} {{vm.boxData.rooms}} rooms {{ room.roomRateMobileSelected.totalAmount | currency: vm.currency:0}}

No prepayment needed, pay at the property

Option to book now and pay later

{{ room.unavailableStatus.messages.title1 }}

{{ room.unavailableStatus.messages.title2 }}
{{vm.phoneBase | tel}}

This hotel has no availability on your selected dates {{vm.checkIn | date:'MMMM d' | capitalize}} to {{vm.checkOut | date:'MMMM d' | capitalize}} {{vm.checkIn | date:'d MMMM' | capitalize}} to {{vm.checkOut | date:'d MMMM' | capitalize}}

Suggested nearby dates {{vm.getRecomendateDatePax()}}

Choose your room

Choose your departure date

Choose the age of the children

Room typeTravelers
Price per night
Your optionsSelect rooms
Loading rooms
  • {{room.bedding + room.hotelbeds}}
  • View: {{room.view + room.derbysoft}}
x {{vm.getNumDistriMovil(rate.paxFam, true)}}
x {{vm.getNumDistriMovil(rate.paxFam,false)}}
{{ vm.distriTablePax(rate.paxFam) }}
{{ | number: 0 }}%
{{ rate.taxes.totalRoomRateBeforePromoPerNight | currency:vm.currency:0 }}
{{vm.currency}} {{vm.sourceTriGooHotelsIds ? rate.taxes.totalRoomRatePerNight + rate.taxes.totalTaxesPerRoomPerNight : rate.taxes.totalRoomRatePerNight | number:0 }}
+ {{ rate.taxes.totalTaxesPerRoomPerNight | currency: vm.currency:0 }} taxes
Taxes included
Taxes not included
  • {{vm.mealplans[rate.mealPlanCode]}}
  • Free cancellation until {{rate.cancellationPolicies.freeCancellationExpire | date: vm.dateConfig }}
  • You can pay later
  • No prepayment needed, pay at the property
  • Not refundable
  • Kids free {{room.kidsFreeTo | kidsAgeRange }}
  • {{rate.promotion}}




  • Save -{{ rate.total_saved | currency:'$':0 }} when logging in

    You saved {{ rate.total_saved | currency:'$':0 }}

{{ room.unavailableStatus.messages.title1 }}

{{ room.unavailableStatus.messages.title2 }} a

{{vm.phoneBase | tel}}
{{ vm.totalPromoDiscount| currency:vm.currency:0 }}
{{vm.currency}} {{ vm.sourceTriGooHotelsIds ? vm.totalTotalSticky : vm.totalTotalSticky - vm.totalImpSticky | number:0 }}
+ {{vm.currency}} {{ vm.totalImpSticky | number:0}} taxes
Taxes included
Taxes not included
Total {{vm.boxData.nights}} {{vm.boxData.nights === 1 ? vm.lnMessages.nightm : vm.lnMessages.nighstm}} {{vm.totalTotalSticky | currency: vm.currency:0}}
  • Instant confirmation
  • {{vm.mealplans[rateCopy.mealPlanCode]}}
  • Free cancellation until {{rateCopy.cancellationPolicies.freeCancellationExpire | date: vm.dateConfig }}
  • You can pay later
  • No prepayment needed, pay at the property
  • Not refundable
  • Kids free {{room.kidsFreeTo | kidsAgeRange }}
  • {{rateCopy.promotion}}
  • {{rateCopy.promotion}}
Loading rooms

{{ + room.expedia}}


Select the plan:

  • View: {{room.view + room.derbysoft}}
  • Beds: {{room.bedding}}
  • Free cancellation (until {{room.roomRateMobileSelected.cancellationPolicies.freeCancellationExpire | date: vm.dateConfig }})
  • Not refundable
  • Kids free {{room.kidsFreeTo | kidsAgeRange }}
  • {{room.roomRateMobileSelected.promotion}}




  • {{vm.mealplans[room.roomRateMobileSelected.mealPlanCode]}}
  • Ahorra -{{ room.roomRateMobileSelected.total_saved | currency:'$':0 }} al iniciar sesión

    Ahorraste {{ room.roomRateMobileSelected.total_saved | currency:'$':0 }}

Room per night

{{ | number: 0 }}% {{ room.roomRateMobileSelected.taxes.totalRoomRateBeforePromoPerNight | currency:vm.currency:0 }}

{{ vm.sourceTriGooHotelsIds ? room.roomRateMobileSelected.taxes.totalRoomRatePerNight + room.roomRateMobileSelected.taxes.totalTaxesPerRoomPerNight : room.roomRateMobileSelected.taxes.totalRoomRatePerNight | currency:vm.currency:0 }}

+ {{ room.roomRateMobileSelected.taxes.totalTaxesPerRoomPerNight | currency: vm.currency:0 }} taxes

Taxes not included Taxes included
Total {{vm.boxData.nights}} {{vm.boxData.nights === 1 ? vm.lnMessages.nightm : vm.lnMessages.nighstm}} {{vm.boxData.rooms}} rooms {{ room.roomRateMobileSelected.totalAmount | currency: vm.currency:0}}

No prepayment needed, pay at the property

Option to book now and pay later

{{ room.unavailableStatus.messages.title1 }}

{{ room.unavailableStatus.messages.title2 }}
{{vm.phoneBase | tel}}

Oh no. Something went wrong

The information for this hotel is not available, please try again later or contact us at:

{{vm.phoneBase | tel}}


Property conditions & facilities




Staff & service








About hotel

The apartments (please note that we feature different addresses in the area which will be given to you upon collection of keys as indicated below) are located in the heart of Paris, nearby the Pompidou Centre and within easy reach of some of the most beautiful and world-renowned monuments in the city, as well as offering easy access to the business districts. INSTRUCTION TO CHECK IN Since it is self-check in the guest will always have to go to a first key collection address where they will take their keys envelope and instruction to get to their apartment WARNING : the address of the key collection is not the same of the address of the apartment : You benefit from a self-check in so please read the instructions below carefully to get to your apartment (PLEASE NOTE THE KEYS WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE FROM 4 PM CHECK IN TIME) either: - Go to 8 rue Mondetour 75001 Paris (metro Etienne Marcel - line 3) - On the storefront to the left of the front door is a secure letterbox with the name of BRIDGESTREET - Please dial the code 810 on the mailbox to get your instructions to get to your apartment - We thank you for leaving the envelopes that do not correspond to your name in the mailbox and to lock it again by scrambling the code Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or requests. Please keep this information for the duration of your stay. Upon check out : The apartment needs to be vacate at 11 am on day of departure and leave the keys on the main table In case of keys missing we will have to charge you a fixed fee of 150€ per set of keys missing to change the lock and an additional 50€/key if we have to reproduce a vigik key. Bridgestreet will be at your service during your stay in Paris if you have a problem with your apartment. DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME BY EMAIL on OR AT 00 33 6 16 31 28 16 FOR ANY QUESTIONS BY LEAVE ME A SMS IF I CANNOT ANSWER YOU


Need-to-know information for guests at this property

Free cancellation

This hotel has Free cancellation

Book now, pay later

Create your itinerary paying $0.00

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